Instructional Design
Thriving in the Classroom: A New Teacher's Guide to Classroom Management
“Thriving in the Classroom: A New Teacher’s Guide to Management” is a 5-week course designed to empower new teachers with strategies for creating a positive classroom environment. It combines online modules and in-person sessions to cover classroom expectations, engagement techniques, climate fostering, behavior management, and reflective practice. The course aims for all participants to feel confident in managing their classrooms effectively, contributing to a district-wide reduction in discipline issues. Each week focuses on different aspects of classroom management, with activities ranging from case studies to role-play, and assessments including self-evaluations and peer feedback.
Course Design Considerations
This document contains the design considerations for a new course titled “Thriving in the Classroom: A New Teacher’s Guide to Management.”
Course Outline
The course outline for “Thriving in the Classroom” details a 5-week blended learning program for new teachers. It combines online modules with in-person discussions to equip participants with classroom management skills. Weekly online modules include video lectures, interactive activities, readings, and assessments. In-person meetings offer opportunities for collaboration, reflection, and presentations. The outline details learning activities and assessments for each week, focusing on designing expectations, using engaging lessons, fostering a positive climate, and mastering proactive and reactive management strategies.
Course Goals and Learning Outcomes
Fink’s 3-Column Table for “Thriving in the Classroom” clarifies how participants will achieve the course goals. It maps out the learning activities (what participants will do) and assessment activities (how their learning will be measured) for each category of learning goals (Foundational Knowledge, Application, etc.). This ensures a well-rounded learning experience that addresses different aspects of building effective classroom management skills.