Concepts of Ed Tech

EDLD 5302 Reflections

Reflecting on EDLD 5302 – Concepts of Educational Technology

As I wrap up the EDLD 5302 – Concepts of Educational Technology course in the Applied Digital Learning program, I would like to share some of the key insights and learnings that I have gained from this experience. In this post, I will reflect on how this course has helped …

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Laptop with "Contributions to Learning" on it's Screen

Collaboration in Learning (5302) and Strategizing (5304)

Now wrapping up the first half of the Fall semester, I’ve had the opportunity to take two courses in the Applied Digital Learning master’s program: EDLD 5302 – Concepts of Educational Technology and EDLD 5304 – Leading Organizational Change. These courses challenged me to reflect on my learning manifesto, mindset, …

Collaboration in Learning (5302) and Strategizing (5304) Read More »

Learning Network

3 Great Benefits of Networking for Educators!

Networking is the art of building and maintaining relationships with people who can support, inspire, and challenge you. Networking goes beyond making contacts or exchanging information. It involves building meaningful relationships based on mutual trust, respect, and value. Networking allows you to share your ideas and experiences with others who …

3 Great Benefits of Networking for Educators! Read More »

Learner's Mindset Girl with different tech tools and items around her head

Learner’s Mindset and the Infinite Potential of Curiosity

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to enjoy learning new things, while others dread it? Why some people are curious and eager to explore, while others are satisfied with what they already know? Why some people are resilient and adaptable, while others are rigid and resistant? The answer …

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Growth Mindset

Harnessing The Power of a Growth Mindset as an Educator and a Learner

As an educator and a graduate student in an Applied Digital Learning (ADL) master’s degree program, I believe that a growth mindset is essential for success. A growth mindset is the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through hard work, effort, applying strategies, and receiving feedback from others …

Harnessing The Power of a Growth Mindset as an Educator and a Learner Read More »

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