Innovation in Ed Tech

Virtual Collaboration - Virtual handshake - Hand from computer shaking had in-person

Collaboration in Creating an ePortfolio (5303) and Innovation (5305)

The first semester of graduate school in the Applied Digital Learning program has been an enriching experience. I’ve learned a lot about myself, my peers, and the field of education. I’ve also had the opportunity to form collaborative groups with a few of my classmates in courses EDLD 5305 Innovation […]

Collaboration in Creating an ePortfolio (5303) and Innovation (5305) Read More »

procrastination - Is it even worth it

From the Mind of a Graduate Student: Thoughts, ideas, and reflections on the journey of grad school. Or, as I like to call it, ‘the never-ending cycle of procrastination and panic.’

Welcome to the wonderfully chaotic world of graduate school, where deadlines lurk around every corner, and sleep becomes a distant memory. As a new grad student with one semester almost down, I can confidently say I’ve had my fair share of ups, downs, and epic procrastination sessions. In this blog

From the Mind of a Graduate Student: Thoughts, ideas, and reflections on the journey of grad school. Or, as I like to call it, ‘the never-ending cycle of procrastination and panic.’ Read More »

How to Succeed in Applied Digital Learning Master's Program

9 Tips on How to Succeed in the Applied Digital Learning Master’s Degree Program

I was recently accepted into the Applied Digital Learning master’s degree program at Lamar University, so I’m now on a new journey that I believe will positively shape and advance my career in education. As I work on knocking out my first two courses, things have not necessarily been “easy”

9 Tips on How to Succeed in the Applied Digital Learning Master’s Degree Program Read More »

"Innovation" in different languages

Innovation Plan Outline – Peer Review

The Technology-Enhanced Project-Based Learning for Newcomer Emergent Bilingual (EB) Students innovation plan was conceived in 2022 when my business partner and I noticed a critical shortcoming in the education of EB students in our school district. Specifically, EB students were using the same computer-based Reading/English Language Arts curriculum that general education students were using, but the EB students had not yet acquired enough English to successfully work in the platform. Additionally, the program did not offer adequate linguistic accommodations for newcomer EB students. Therefore, we offered to use resources we created when we previously worked as Reading teachers to build a Reading/Language Arts curriculum specifically designed with EB students’ unique needs in mind. Although this was outside of our regular job duties and an immense balancing act, we were compelled to take action because we wanted to ensure the newcomers were given a better chance at success in middle school with content and activities that is linguistically accessible and authentically engaging. We also believe that language should not be a barrier to education.

Innovation Plan Outline – Peer Review Read More »


COVA: 5 Takeaways from the Choice, Ownership, Voice and Authentic Learning eBook

Authored by Dwayne Harapnuik, Tilisa Thibodeaux, and Cynthia Cummings, the COVA eBook focuses on Creating Significant Learning Environments (CSLE) by giving students Choice, Ownership, and Voice in their learning by providing them with Authentic Learning learning opportunities. CSLE+COVA is a constructivist approach to learning which is based on the idea

COVA: 5 Takeaways from the Choice, Ownership, Voice and Authentic Learning eBook Read More »

If it ain't broke don't fix it

“If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It” Is Simply BAD Advice… and Bad Grammar Too!

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is a proverbial saying and piece of advice used to imply that one should not try to change something that is working well. The problem with this saying is that it is often used as an excuse for not changing or to justify

“If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It” Is Simply BAD Advice… and Bad Grammar Too! Read More »

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