Leading Organizational Change


A Comprehensive Strategy for Implementing Change and Technology-Enhanced Project-Based Learning

I have a passion for helping newcomer emergent bilingual (EB) students learn English through high-quality instruction and authentic and meaningful projects, using technology as a tool and a resource. I believe that this approach can improve their educational outcomes and experiences, as well as contribute to the field of bilingual […]

A Comprehensive Strategy for Implementing Change and Technology-Enhanced Project-Based Learning Read More »

Laptop with "Contributions to Learning" on it's Screen

Collaboration in Learning (5302) and Strategizing (5304)

Now wrapping up the first half of the Fall semester, I’ve had the opportunity to take two courses in the Applied Digital Learning master’s program: EDLD 5302 – Concepts of Educational Technology and EDLD 5304 – Leading Organizational Change. These courses challenged me to reflect on my learning manifesto, mindset,

Collaboration in Learning (5302) and Strategizing (5304) Read More »

Simon Sinek's Golden Circle

The Why, How, and What of Our Curriculum Building Journey

Imagine This… Picture yourself as a young student arriving in a new country, a new school, and a whole new world of uncertainty where everything seems unfamiliar and strange. You feel excited, scared, curious, and vulnerable all at the same time. School is daunting. You walk down the hallways, feeling

The Why, How, and What of Our Curriculum Building Journey Read More »

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