Thank you for visiting my ePortfolio! Explore the work samples and projects below to see how I’ve used innovative approaches and a commitment to learner-centered design to empower individuals and achieve positive outcomes.

Natalie Nwaeme

Learning & Development Specialist | Instructional & Curriculum Designer | Expert Facilitator

Thank you for visiting my ePortfolio! Explore the work samples and projects below to see how I’ve used innovative approaches and a commitment to learner-centered design to empower individuals and achieve positive outcomes.

Natalie Nwaeme

Learning & Development Specialist | Instructional & Curriculum Designer | Expert Facilitator

Course Guides & Job Aids

In the section above, you will find some of the course guides that I have created to accompany my presentations on various topics. These guides are designed to provide additional information and resources for course participants and showcase my skills in document creation and creating custom graphics.

In the section to the left, you will find some of the course guides that I have created to accompany my presentations on various topics. These guides are designed to provide additional information and resources for course participants and showcase my skills in document creation and creating custom graphics.

Infographics & Animations

Infographics and Animations are powerful tools to communicate complex ideas in a simple and engaging way. In this section, you can see some examples of how I have used these tools to create informative and attractive content for various audiences and purposes.


The section to the right is a selection of projects that showcase my skills in curriculum design, instructional technology, and adult learning theory. These projects demonstrate my ability to create engaging learning experiences that drive measurable results.

Knowledge and Skills - Identifying Performance Gaps
Project 1: Identifying & Bridging Performance Gaps
Facilitating Academic Discourse

An essential practice of any organization that aims to sustain positive growth over time is addressing anticipated and real performance shortcomings of its workforce. For this project, I was recruited by the educational nonprofit organization Teach For America (an organization I am an alumni of) to present to a group of corps members who struggled with engaging their students in academic discourse. To avoid the passive and boring “sit and get” approach of traditional professional development sessions, I engaged the attendees in a cooperative learning strategy and issued a challenge to them to apply what they learned in the session to their own practice and share their results with their peers. This way, I aimed to close the performance gap and inspire participants to improve their skills.

Project 2: Building an Innovative Curriculum
Technology-Enhanced Project-Based Learning for Newcomer Emergent Bilingual Students

The State of Texas has seen a huge influx of individuals and families seeking residence in the United States. This has consequently lead to an increase in the number of newcomer Emergent Bilingual (EB) students in Texas schools. Newcomer EB students are unique in that they are required to be taught and learn learning standards in all content areas, but many have little to no knowledge of English; the main language of instruction. In the write up for this project, I demonstrate how I am working on a two-person team to build an enriching and engaging Reading/Language Arts curriculum that tends to the unique needs of newcomer EB students and provides them authentic learning opportunities as well!

Professional Development for Busy Professionals - Selecting Professional Development - Learning Experience
Project 3: Learning & Development for Busy Professionals
Shortform Professional Learning

Work obligations, demanding deadlines, and conflicting schedules can make it difficult for employees to find time for much needed professional learning and development sessions. But that doesn’t mean employees should have to miss out on the acquiring skills they need to meet the challenges of their work. In the writeup for this project, I explain how I spearheaded the rollout of shortform professional learning sessions in my organization. These sessions are quick, actionable, trainer of trainer sessions for department heads, specialists, and team leads, and they are tailored to the specific needs of the organization. Once complete, attendees then deliver the same learning experience to their teams or individuals on a case-by-case basis. This ensures that everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their time constraints.

Presentation for Emergent Bilingual Empowerment Summit
Project 4: Revamping an Existing Program
Improving the Empowerment Summits

Using home renovations an as analogy, sometimes an organization’s programs and presentations might need a fresh coat of paint, a light remodel, or a full-gut rehab and revitalization. Click the button below to read about how I worked on a team of two to revitalize an annual event, hosted by Spring Independent School District’s Multilingual Department, to make it more visually appealing, engaging and impactful for attendees.

*This project was selected to be presented at the 2022 Title III Symposium hosted by the Texas Education Agency, the 2022 Texas Association of Bilingual Educators Hybrid Conference, the 2022 Region 4 Education Service Center’s Bilingual/ESL/Title III Contacts Meeting, and the 2023 Region 4 Spring Title III Leadership Network Conference! Lastly, this project was featured in La Prensa de Houston, a Houston-based print and digital newspaper with local, national and international news in Spanish.

eLearning for Students
Project 5: Responding to an Unprecedented Challenge
Shifting to eLearning During the Global Pandemic

In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools in the US to switch to remote learning. This new and unfamiliar mode of teaching raised worries about students falling behind academically. To address this challenge, I collaborated with a team of educators to quickly develop a set of eLearning lessons based on learning standards. These lessons gave students the opportunity to select content that matched their learning needs and evaluate their progress through summative assessments. To learn more about this project, please click the link below!


The section below showcases a selection of projects that exemplify my skills in curriculum design, instructional technology, and adult learning theory. These projects demonstrate my ability to create engaging learning experiences that drive measurable results.

Project 1: Identifying & Addressing Performance Gaps

Facilitating Academic Discourse

Knowledge and Skills - Identifying Performance Gaps

An essential practice of any organization that aims to sustain positive growth over time is addressing anticipated and real performance shortcomings of its workforce. For this project, I was recruited by the educational nonprofit organization Teach For America (an organization I am an alumni of) to present to a group of corps members who struggled with engaging their students in academic discourse. To avoid the passive and boring “sit and get” approach of traditional professional development sessions, I engaged the attendees in a cooperative learning strategy and issued a challenge to them to apply what they learned in the session to their own practice and share their results with their peers. This way, I aimed to close the performance gap and inspire participants to improve their skills.

Project 2: Building An Innovative Curriculum

Technology-Enhanced Project-Based Learning for Newcomer Emergent Bilingual Students

The State of Texas has seen a huge influx of individuals and families seeking residence in the United States. This has consequently lead to an increase in the number of newcomer Emergent Bilingual (EB) students in Texas schools. Newcomer EB students are unique in that they are required to be taught and learn learning standards in all content areas, but many have little to no knowledge of English; the main language of instruction. In the write up for this project, I demonstrate how I am working on a two-person team to build an enriching and engaging Reading/Language Arts curriculum that tends to the unique needs of newcomer EB students and provides them authentic learning opportunities as well!

Project 3: Learning & Development for Busy Professionals

Shortform Professional Learning

Professional Development for Busy Professionals - Selecting Professional Development - Learning Experience

Work obligations, demanding deadlines, and conflicting schedules can make it difficult for employees to find time for much needed professional learning and development sessions. But that doesn’t mean employees should have to miss out on the acquiring skills they need to meet the challenges of their work. In the writeup for this project, I explain how I spearheaded the rollout of shortform professional learning sessions in my organization. These sessions are quick, actionable, trainer of trainer sessions for department heads, specialists, and team leads, and they are tailored to the specific needs of the organization. Once complete, attendees then deliver the same learning experience to their teams or individuals on a case-by-case basis. This ensures that everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of their time constraints.

Project 4: Revamping an Existing Program

Empowerment Summits

Presentation for Emergent Bilingual Empowerment Summit

Using home renovations an as analogy, sometimes an organization’s programs and presentations might need a fresh coat of paint, a light remodel, or a full-gut rehab and revitalization. Click the button below to read about how I worked on a team of two to revitalize an annual event, hosted by Spring Independent School District’s Multilingual Department, to make it more visually appealing, engaging and impactful for attendees.

*This project (Emergent Bilingual Empowerment Summits) was selected to be presented at the 2022 Title III Symposium hosted by the Texas Education Agency in San Antonio, Texas and also at the 2022 Texas Association of Bilingual Educators Hybrid Conference that was held in Houston, Texas! Additionally, this project was presented to the Region 4 Education Service Center’s Bilingual/ESL/Title III Contacts in November 2022 and was presented to multiple campus representatives at the Region 4 Spring Title III Leadership Network Meeting in May 2023! (Region 4 is one of 20 regional education service centers established by the Texas Legislature in 1967 to assist school districts and charter schools in improving efficiencies and student performance.) Lastly, this project was featured in La Prensa de Houston, a Houston-based print and digital newspaper with local, national and international news in Spanish!

Project 4: Revamping an Existing Program

Empowerment Summits

Using home renovations an as analogy, sometimes an organization’s programs and presentations might need a fresh coat of paint, a light remodel, or a full-gut rehab and revitalization. Click the button below to read about how I worked on a team of two to revitalize an annual event, hosted by Spring Independent School District’s Multilingual Department, to make it more visually appealing, engaging and impactful for attendees.

*This project (Emergent Bilingual Empowerment Summits) was selected to be presented at the 2022 Title III Symposium hosted by the Texas Education Agency in San Antonio, Texas and also at the 2022 Texas Association of Bilingual Educators Hybrid Conference that was held in Houston, Texas! Additionally, this project was presented to the Region 4 Education Service Center’s Bilingual/ESL/Title III Contacts in November 2022 and was presented to multiple campus representatives at the Region 4 Spring Title III Leadership Network Meeting in May 2023! (Region 4 is one of 20 regional education service centers established by the Texas Legislature in 1967 to assist school districts and charter schools in improving efficiencies and student performance.) Lastly, this project was featured in La Prensa de Houston, a Houston-based print and digital newspaper with local, national and international news in Spanish!

Project 5: Responding to an Unprecedented Challenge

Shifting to eLearning During the Global Pandemic

eLearning video on laptop

In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools in the US to switch to remote learning. This new and unfamiliar mode of teaching raised worries about students falling behind academically. To address this challenge, I collaborated with a team of educators to quickly develop a set of eLearning lessons based on learning standards. These lessons gave students the opportunity to select content that matched their learning needs and evaluate their progress through summative assessments. To learn more about this project, please click the link below!

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